Follow these steps to install and set up your team's Standups, it takes less than 2 minutes 😊

  1. Navigate to the Agilefox standups app in the Atlassian Jira marketplace here

  2. Click on “Try it free”

    Screenshot 2022-11-16 at 19.01.25.png

  3. In the popup window, click on “Start free trial”

    Screenshot 2022-11-16 at 19.02.07.png

  4. Wait a few moments for Jira to install the app. When the app is installed, click on “Manage app”

    Screenshot 2022-11-16 at 19.02.31.png

    Screenshot 2022-11-16 at 19.03.32.png

  5. On the app manager page, click on “Get started”

    Screenshot 2022-11-16 at 19.04.24.png

  6. Chose the projects you would like to enable Standups for

    Screenshot 2022-11-16 at 19.43.50.png

  7. Chose your team working days and select the board that should be used for Standups, we will pull all issues and team members from this board.

    Screenshot 2022-11-16 at 19.47.53.png

    You're all done! 🤩 🎉

    Standups are now set up for your selected project and team.

    To navigate to the daily Standups, simply go to the “Standups” tab in the Jira side panel

    side menu view.png

    Read next

    Getting started with your first Standup

    Daily team update

    Jira issues

    Blockers tracking

    Notes & tasks

    Unassigned tasks in progress

    View standup log

    What is the Agilefox Standups app?

    <aside> 👉 We would love to hear your feedback to make Standups better for your team! Reach out to [email protected] and tell us how we can make your Standups better :)
